The Popcorn Effect
Staff Team Building and Staff Meeting Engagements

Staff Team Building and Staff Meeting Engagements

Never Have I EverTeam Building Activity. Staff hold up a sign “I Have” or “I Haven’t” to various statements. Can be fun or connected to a particular PD content area.
What Do You MemeTeam Building Activity. Have staff send you a random photo from their phone of themselves doing something. Using the downloadable cards, in small groups, create memes to the photos provided.
Amazing Race
Card Template
Crack the Code
Team Building Activity. Create an Amazing Race day for your staff using these resources. Requires some thought and planning, but the engagement is worth it.
Escape Rooms
TpT Samples 1
TpT Sample 2
Escape rooms are a great way to create new bonds with teams. Teams work together to solve the puzzles. Use these samples from TpT or create your own connected to a take away you want the staff to have from the day.
Scrabble LettersTemplate for large scrabble letter printing
Floor is LavaTeam Building Activity. Connect the game Floor is Lava to some PD experiences for educators. Instructions and break out room puzzle samples included.
6-Bricks LegoTeam Building Activity. Provide 6 Lego bricks to each team and let the challenge ensue.
Math Equals LoveAmazing “math” team building activities to do with staff. This can be geared toward a particular strand in math or used as team building and demonstrating productive struggle.
Rubber Duckies-Lucky DucksStaff Incentive. Provide numbered rubber ducks to staff. Using a flippity spinner, choose random numbers during the month that reward staff with a treat or reward. Rubber ducks available from Amazon.
EdCamp/Carousel Style PDGoogle Form sample of how to have staff sign up/choose personalized PD.
Walk and Talk PD

Explanation of “Walk and Talk PD”. Specific look-fors can vary depending on school focus or desired outcomes for educators.
Staff Recognition AwardsStaff Appreciation Idea. Recognition award video celebration idea.
Rock, Paper, Scissors ChallengeFun staff competition idea – great for any time of year!
Pumpkin In My PocketFun team building activity to play with staff to encourage mixing and mingling, conversation and fun.  Adaptable to the season.
What’s Your PassionStaff input survey for tapping into their passions and learning needs 
Staff WellnessWellness survey for class & personal goals
Video Staff Meetings 
Sample of video staff meeting options at opportune times during the year that show you value the some of your staff… “that could have been an email” kind of content